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Bazadde Care

Bazadde Care is a Christian organization dedicated to fulfilling the Scriptural mandate to care for the poor as found in Psalm 82:3, “Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed.” We seek to holistically Equip, Empower and Encourage parents with little or no formal education. To do this, we provide vocational training to parents, aiming to help them earn a self-sufficient income within two years.

"Bazadde" is a Luganda word that means "one who cares" or "a parent". Bazadde Care is dedicated to caring for parents, in other words, Parent Care!

Will you join us with prayer and financial support?

What We Do

Every year we assess parent applicants and select those who qualify for our program. We then COACH the parents on successful life principles, such as, pursuing a biblical lifestyle, Jesus is the only Savior, work is from God, and those who don't work should not eat. We also teach them business skills and the importance of budgeting. We urge them to save, instead of spending all the money they make. We encourage them to trust in God and to develop a vision for their lives so that they can starting seeing themselves as successful and happy.

We also ENABLE the parents with vocational skills which they will use to make money. Some are trained in hair dressing, cooking, fixing cars and others. After graduation we either equip parents with the tools they need to start working or we help them look for employment. When possible, we encourage parents to start their own businesses rather than waiting to find employment.

About 1

Because we believe that good health is vital in the pursuit of improved wellbeing, we PROMOTE a healthy lifestyle, beginning with good hygiene. Further, during this training period, we check the health status of the parents and their children. We take them to medical centers for treatment of common illnesses.


